Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nat's Fan Fic reviews

Grey's Anatomy - Make It Without You

This was one of the best fan fictions I read. It was for a possible flashback episode of Grey’s Anatomy, describing the initial meeting of Dr Torres and Dr Robbins. Each Chapter or Part begins with a song lyric, which I think was quite effective, almost giving an indication as to the theme of the piece. I preferred that the text wasn’t written as a script either, but more of a narrative.

How I Met Your Mother - One Would Call It Cheating

This text was a possible episode for How I Met Your Mother mainly involving two of the main characters Ted and Barney. In the actual show they are both heterosexual males, but in this fan fiction episode they are portrayed as being in love with each other. I like how opposite the two are, and how unexpected. I also think it’s interesting how the author seems to have taken inspiration from real life, as the actor who portrays Barney is actually gay – this might be an easy way to come up with a theme, use real life experiences.

How I Met Your Mother - Choices

This fiction is a possible storyline for How I Met Your Mother involving Robin and Barney.Despite this being a relatively short piece of fan fiction, it contains an entire storyline worth of information. It starts as the two characters dealing with one situation but by the end of the piece they are much older and are looking at that problem with reflective hindsight. I’m not sure this works that well as a storyline. I think it would have been better to focus on the one dilemma for the episode, and not go to unnecessary lengths to tie the story up over the lifetime.

How I Met Your Mother - Box Full o Honey

I found this fan fiction very interesting as although it was focusing on two characters from How I Met Your Mother, the line between trying to be true to the characters as they already are, and trying to create characters that fit into your storyline, was blurred, and the characters ended up sounding out of context and fake. It was almost as if the author changed it too much, or not enough. Dialogue that the characters were given was off-putting and ended up sounding out of place.

Sex and the City - Big Changes

This fan fiction is a possible episode of Sex and The City. I thought the use of different points of view within the chapters was very effective, it would be a much simpler way to structure a narrative in that style, but unsure how it would work when actually produced on screen. There were also some spelling and flow issues with this piece, which made it hard to follow at times.

Friends - Love Plus One

I enjoyed the narrative style of this Friends storyline involving Chandler and Rachel. Rather than just a mechanical sounding film script, it tells the story in a more descriptive way. I like how the ff reads this way and could work as a novel or short story instead of purely a filmed episode.

Sex and the City - Death, Sex and New York

This piece deals mainly with the characters of SATC dealing with the loss of Samantha. The writer attempts to make the storyline sound original, but this is tainted by their choice of dialogue and actions, that are exactly as the original writers have already used. There is a lack of originality in this area and I found that this affected my overall interest in the story. I think it would be good to make sure not to use these elements directly from the original piece, but to elaborate on the characters in further ways.

Sex and the City - You've Got Me

This piece could almost be described as a crossover fan fiction between SATC and You’ve Got Mail (Ephron, 1998). It involves Carrie and Big having an argument. There are significant references to ‘You’ve Got Mail’ within the character’s dialogue. It was kind of tacky to begin with and cliché but the reference was tied up nicely at the end with a lighter tone, and not so obvious.Adding more to the subtext of the narrative, rather than making the link painfully apparent.

Sex and the City - I'll Think Of A Reason Later

This ff is a re-write of an episode of SATC which the author didn’t enjoy the original. I especially liked the reference to the original episode, as the author used dialogue that Carrie uses all the time (“couldn't help but wonder…”). This reads more like a narrative again, rather than a script, as it gives internal monologue as well as storyline encased in the dialogue. Again, I had a problem with the unoriginality of some of the choices in language, and the cliffhanger ending wasn’t nearly as interesting as it could have been.

The Big Bang Theory - The Drabble Adhesion

This ff of The Big Bang Theory is a series of chapters (drabble) that individually are very intriguing, but as a whole, are not cohesive and end up being quite confusing when collected as one episode. Certain chapters would be fantastic if they were formed into an episode worth of flowing content. The history of the characters is accurate to what has aired so far in the series, and the author focuses mainly on a relationship between Penny and Sheldon. A lot of the ff I read dealt with unlikely characters sharing some sort of unexpected or forbidden relationship.

My FanFiction - The Road -



Dawn snatched me from my sleep with an anguished howl of salty air. Alone. I was now alone. I looked out across the wasted planes. From the charcoal of the burnt tree husks to the off-white the snow had taken due to the ash diluted into it, my sight was met by a spectacal of faded greys. I had to keep moving, now was a time which deprived us of the rights to luxury we had taken for granted. Nesting was one of them. I had made camp on the coast, in the dunes. Not to far from what I suppose has been a small fishing town. Its just a ghost town now, it's no longer safe but there might be food.

Ash and sand blew through the air, stinging my eyes. The dust got everywhere. Choking, clotting, blinding dust. I unassembled the makeshift bed that would soon be on my back along with all my worldly possessions, which mainly consisted of a knife, tarpoline, rags, odd shoes and a leather pouch which I used to keep food. It had been empty for weeks.

I stripped down to wash before I left for the town. I caught my relfection in the blade of my knife. It brought back memories of school history lessons. A flesh coloured skeleton of Auschwitz gleamed from that blade showing my mortality. I coughed with disgust at myself. A cough that shredded my throat. Blood mixed with ash and phlem pooled in my hand. Examining it, I knew there was too much this time. I was deeply sick.



Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Michaels 10 Fanfic Reviews

Friday Night in Sin City - SIN CITY FAN FICTION

The main gist of this piece was to show the author's favourite character (Marv) as the author see's him. So he takes us through a rundown of a "typical" friday night at Marv's local bar/strip joint. Although there were a few spelling mistakes, I found that it was written very well. The author shows us that Marv is a instinctual character by using short sentences to describe his surroundings. With each sentence he focuses more intently on the description, creating a tableux feel in my imagination as slowly, the picture builds. This Style of writing is both compelling and helps us to quickly develop an idea about what sort of person Marv is. It also, being written in a narrative form, stays "true" to the movie by making us think like the character. A great start to a fanfiction, however, it could go on into the story more as i suspect marv would want to find out the reason for the womans blood on the moustache man.

Salisbury Tales - FALLOUT 3 FAN FICTION

The story portrayed in the fan fiction is one about a girl, whom due to the conditions she was conceived under, was born with a deformed leg. Her father starts a post-apocalypse inn for travelers in the D.C. wasteland to take shelter in. I enjoyed this story because of its view on a preconcieved game world. In the game you have to choose to either help or hinder the peoples of the wasteland, you never really have a "home" as you are constantly travelling. By makeing the story about an inn keeper they developed a different vantage point in the way they could write (by making the story about adventures she hears about rather then her own adventures).
The only downside I felt about it was that the characters the writer introduced were not developed enough.

My Life in the Brotherhood - FALLOUT 3 FANFICTION

This fanfiction is about an initiate in a military organisation 80 years after a nuclear war that desimated the world. I found the story interesting although the concepts in it were far from the actual concepts of the game. Aka the military organisation puts saving lives above all other duties, so the idea that as a training excercise they would sluaghter each other is preposterous. The writing style was interesting although there were many spelling mistakes as well as grammer mistakes. However as i was saying the first person perspective was a perfect way to write this as it is a personal account of a trumatic experience and therefore in first person it it conveys the account in a bias way. Overall its an adverage story in my oppinion just because it strays so far from the original game concepts.


This is the story of an unnamed hunter in the capital wasteland, he does what he needs to survive, that includes hunting humans as they are the most abundant source of food left. His only companion is a mutated dog which he found as a pup 10 years before the events in this story. The story structure is composed brilliantly as it "trickles" information about the character. This makes it a very enjoyable read as you begin thinking the character is a savage raider, but in actuallity he just wants to survive. However it did have a very "rushed" feeling to the writing as if the author didnt really plan what they were going to write as the sentances sometimes didn't really flow and a few had grammar mistakes. overall it is probally the best of the fallout fanfictions i have read as it sticks the the ideals of the game as well as going more indepth about the "mechanics" of surviving.

Dehumanization - FALLOUT 3 FANFICTION

Dehumanization is a fanfiction about a young boy whom eventually grows up to be a raider. However after reading it i felt a little ripped off, the story didn't really develop anything towards the raider aspect of the character. In saying that i did enjoy the way it was written and if it continued I know that i would have read more. The pace was a really good aspect of the way it was written, by making milestones in how far the character got to the door it enthralled you into the anticipation the character is feeling. There weren't really any spelling or grammar issues with also helped in making it easy to read. The ending left much to be desired though, as the structure dissipated and led to a dead end where i ending up just being dissapointed because until that point it was great.


The author of this fanfiction has decided to tell the tale of how Alex (the main character in A Clockwork Orange) met his three Droogies; Pete, Dim and Georgie. It is written from the perspective of Georgie and hints as to reasons they droogies hold malice towards Alex in the original. The interesting thing about this piece of writing is that language-wise, it follows the orginal book perfectly. It does this by using the same "pace" in the sentences as well as the words that were created as slang specifically for the book. I really enjoyed reading "If Only" as it had no grammar or spelling mistakes, it seemed like it was extensively planned and the contain was a near-perfect style to that of the orginal book. I think it has the potential to be extended and become a very good piece of literature.


The Story here is the boy has gone with the "good guys" and what happens in the passing day. The good guys are a family of wanderers much like the boy and his father were. I think the author intended initially to write more as the first quarter of the story is recapping over what was pretty much explained at the end of the road (eg. describing the new characters, what the plan of action is, etc). I found it too repetative having read the road, the characters don't really do anything they havent done before and they dont really develop into any thing more then colourful sillouettes. Personally unless more is written i think that the story would have been better if it was unaltered. Overally I believe it is a good idea that just failed to really deliver anything a fanfiction should.

Don't Speak Against the Sun - THE ROAD FANFICTION

This is a fanfiction that is based soley on the apocalyptical world describe in the book the road. It is the memoirs of a Woman whom is slowly dying of the ash blight which has spread across the world. As a story peice i found it quite enjoyable if not a little confusing as to what was going on, from what I could figure out, the intervals of time were determined by the intervals of blood, which i suppose was ment to symbolise the lack of working time devices (Watches, clocks, etc). However i think it would have been far more effective if they just wrote it as days since the memoir was started. I like the authors style of writing though, it was blunt and to the point and i think with a little more planning it would be an awesome peice of writing. The ending was also rather genius, the abrupt mid-word cutoff could only have ment death was met. The author went through a lot of effort to convey the world as that which is imagined whislt reading the road, so overall this is one of the better pieces i have read.


"A Moment in Time" is a fan fiction that relates the last day of a man. It is set in the world created by the author of the road and decribes the setting with details as are used in the book. The Story is good as it accounts what the man has learnt from surving as long as he did in the wasteland and has a good pace with a solid intro, middle and ending. How ever i did find that the writer should have stressed just how sick the man was. I liked the amount of discription that went into the mans activities and setting though. After reading it you realise that all along the man knew when he was going to die, and it was just his attempt to have the best day he could possibly give himself.

The Road: The Long Road Home - THE ROAD FANFICTION

This is a genius fanfiction. The writer puts off telling you that it is about the man and his son until around half way through the story. Using blunt conversation and vivid description he captivates and enthralls the reader into picking up pace as they read. However the Cherry on the cake is that In the very last line you realise that the author is just intentionally making a satire mockery of the novel. I really enjoyed it, half because of the ending and half in spite of it. The writer obviously was very good at capturing the writing style of the book and mixed it with the conversational style of the movie making it a combination of portrayals of the road. Funny and clever, the first of the good satire fanfictions i have read.