Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nat's Fan Fic reviews

Grey's Anatomy - Make It Without You

This was one of the best fan fictions I read. It was for a possible flashback episode of Grey’s Anatomy, describing the initial meeting of Dr Torres and Dr Robbins. Each Chapter or Part begins with a song lyric, which I think was quite effective, almost giving an indication as to the theme of the piece. I preferred that the text wasn’t written as a script either, but more of a narrative.

How I Met Your Mother - One Would Call It Cheating

This text was a possible episode for How I Met Your Mother mainly involving two of the main characters Ted and Barney. In the actual show they are both heterosexual males, but in this fan fiction episode they are portrayed as being in love with each other. I like how opposite the two are, and how unexpected. I also think it’s interesting how the author seems to have taken inspiration from real life, as the actor who portrays Barney is actually gay – this might be an easy way to come up with a theme, use real life experiences.

How I Met Your Mother - Choices

This fiction is a possible storyline for How I Met Your Mother involving Robin and Barney.Despite this being a relatively short piece of fan fiction, it contains an entire storyline worth of information. It starts as the two characters dealing with one situation but by the end of the piece they are much older and are looking at that problem with reflective hindsight. I’m not sure this works that well as a storyline. I think it would have been better to focus on the one dilemma for the episode, and not go to unnecessary lengths to tie the story up over the lifetime.

How I Met Your Mother - Box Full o Honey

I found this fan fiction very interesting as although it was focusing on two characters from How I Met Your Mother, the line between trying to be true to the characters as they already are, and trying to create characters that fit into your storyline, was blurred, and the characters ended up sounding out of context and fake. It was almost as if the author changed it too much, or not enough. Dialogue that the characters were given was off-putting and ended up sounding out of place.

Sex and the City - Big Changes

This fan fiction is a possible episode of Sex and The City. I thought the use of different points of view within the chapters was very effective, it would be a much simpler way to structure a narrative in that style, but unsure how it would work when actually produced on screen. There were also some spelling and flow issues with this piece, which made it hard to follow at times.

Friends - Love Plus One

I enjoyed the narrative style of this Friends storyline involving Chandler and Rachel. Rather than just a mechanical sounding film script, it tells the story in a more descriptive way. I like how the ff reads this way and could work as a novel or short story instead of purely a filmed episode.

Sex and the City - Death, Sex and New York

This piece deals mainly with the characters of SATC dealing with the loss of Samantha. The writer attempts to make the storyline sound original, but this is tainted by their choice of dialogue and actions, that are exactly as the original writers have already used. There is a lack of originality in this area and I found that this affected my overall interest in the story. I think it would be good to make sure not to use these elements directly from the original piece, but to elaborate on the characters in further ways.

Sex and the City - You've Got Me

This piece could almost be described as a crossover fan fiction between SATC and You’ve Got Mail (Ephron, 1998). It involves Carrie and Big having an argument. There are significant references to ‘You’ve Got Mail’ within the character’s dialogue. It was kind of tacky to begin with and cliché but the reference was tied up nicely at the end with a lighter tone, and not so obvious.Adding more to the subtext of the narrative, rather than making the link painfully apparent.

Sex and the City - I'll Think Of A Reason Later

This ff is a re-write of an episode of SATC which the author didn’t enjoy the original. I especially liked the reference to the original episode, as the author used dialogue that Carrie uses all the time (“couldn't help but wonder…”). This reads more like a narrative again, rather than a script, as it gives internal monologue as well as storyline encased in the dialogue. Again, I had a problem with the unoriginality of some of the choices in language, and the cliffhanger ending wasn’t nearly as interesting as it could have been.

The Big Bang Theory - The Drabble Adhesion

This ff of The Big Bang Theory is a series of chapters (drabble) that individually are very intriguing, but as a whole, are not cohesive and end up being quite confusing when collected as one episode. Certain chapters would be fantastic if they were formed into an episode worth of flowing content. The history of the characters is accurate to what has aired so far in the series, and the author focuses mainly on a relationship between Penny and Sheldon. A lot of the ff I read dealt with unlikely characters sharing some sort of unexpected or forbidden relationship.

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